Happy Veterans Day!!!
I want to say a HUGE Thank You to all the men and women who have served and who are serving our country. What you do for us doesn't go unnoticed.
Today is a special day by being Veterans Day but it's also very unique.
It is 11/11/11.
I have teamed up with several bloggers/companies to put together what we think is an AWESOME GIVEAWAY. How would you like to win
$1100.00 cash??
Yes I'm being SERIOUS!!!!
This giveaway will start 11/11/11 at 12:01 am and go thru 11/12/11 thru 12:01 am.
We also have a $50.00 gift card to Cheep Boutique up for grabs!!
Good Luck Everyone :)
Well mine is a big to myself, I have a very small home with two bedrooms. I raise my two grandchildren,my 21 year old son came back home and brought his girlfriend and puppy, so what I would like is something I've been asking for, for 15 years. To have my own room,close my garage into another room. I said it was big:)
If I could buy myself one gift, it would be a kitchen makeover (the works... new cabinets, new appliances, new plates and cookware!).. I know that's a loaded request, but it's really all I want and I don't "need" anything! :) I'm much more satisfied giving to my little man, but if I had to choose something for myself, a makeover for my kitchen would be it!
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